          盼做民調 陳致中:若輸退選 盼做民調 陳致中:若輸退選 9月4日星期天 台北 ------ 室內裝潢---------------- 酒店經紀-------------------------------------- 買屋--------------------------------------------------------- 酒店打工---------------------- 民調 is a crime of following American werewolves low l 個人信貸ower lowest crime of lie, on purposely to abuse public fund and/or benefit special interest group to 景觀設計enlarge crime of lie. That so called 盼做民調 say already deserve 陳致中退選. Not mention his sucking shameless brainl 室內裝潢ess immoral cold cold hard tie with former President House Master ChenSwayBen and his sucking shameless brainless immoral "Boot.Ann.Yu.10" 房屋買賣 cold cold hard First Lady "5.Shoot.Zhen" lie. "Mar.Inn.Joe" is phony, 陳致中 may be phony too? Real 陳致中 is suck, phony 陳致中- "The Lie of 陳致中" even sucke 帛琉r. Dumb is suck, the "lie of dumb" is dumber sucker.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 設計裝潢  .

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